WIC Bundle
Enhance your Skills Serving your Community!
Enhance your Skills Serving your Community with our WIC bundle!
- Positioning and Latch - Dalaney Young
- When Breastfeeding Fails - Margaret Sabo-Wills
- Formula Feeding - Mary Bailey
- Obesity and Lactation - Marion "Lou" Lamb
- Slow Weight Gain and Insufficient Milk Supply - Sekeita-Lewis Johnson
- Breastfeeding the Late Preterm Infant - Elizabeth Abando, Angela Love-Zaranka and Jane Bradshaw
- Multiples - Jane Bradshaw
- Supporting the Employed Breastfeeding Parent: A Global Perspective - Tamika Harris and Andrea Inchaurrondo
- Maternal Infections - Susan Hatcher
This Bundle Awards:
- 15.25 L-CERPs
- 15.25 Nursing Contact Hours
Price: $199.00
All Topics Covered
Development and Nutrition
Physiology and Endocrinology
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
Clinical Skills