If you’re a healthcare professional interested in earning your IBCLC, you’re in good company! More providers are discovering the rewards and opportuni...
If you're an IBCLC or planning to become one, 2025 brings an important new change! Starting in 2025, the IBCLC Commission requires training on the Int...
Pregnancy, birth, and new parenthood are high-risk times for people to encounter new trauma — or for past trauma to resurface. Those who work with bir...
May marks the anniversary of a landmark event in the lactation care community: the passage of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Subst...
Physically assessing a baby is a critical skill for a lactation care provider to have. Depending on what background experiences brought you to the pro...
Pharmacy students study hard in their education programs. By graduation, they’ve mastered a wide range of gritty scientific details and topics that le...
You’re conducting an initial exam with your new lactation client when you notice scars on their breast or chest that appear to be from a surgery. You ...
Sometimes, life sneaks up on you. You think you have all the time in the world … until suddenly, you don’t. If this is where you find yourself with re...
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