LER Español

Three Step Framework for Inducing Lactation for Physicians


A leading expert provides a flexible, customizable plan.

Picture of Alyssa Schnell.
Price: $36.00 USD

A client who is planning to adopt approaches you for help breastfeeding/chest feeding their baby. Do you know how to assist? Another client explains that their partner is giving birth, and they would both like to provide milk for their baby. Do you know where to start? After this course, you will.

Instructor Alyssa Schnell, MS, IBCLC, is a foremost authority on the subject of inducing lactation. She specializes in inducing lactation, relactation, and related topics in her private practice, and she is also the parent of an adopted, breastfed child. In this course, she shares her own 3-Step Framework for inducing lactation, developed over the course of working with families. Schnell’s framework is flexible, customizable, and evidence-based, allowing you to modify it as needed to help any parent who wishes to induce lactation.

Schnell developed her process after noticing that the families who came to her wishing to induce lactation represented a tremendously diverse group, and that they were not able to be served by one-size-fits-all approaches. In response, she created a flexible framework that:

        • Allows for a variety of methods to meet clients where they are and include what works for them
        • Has an adjustable timeline to accommodate sometimes-unpredictable circumstances involved with inducing lactation
        • Flexes to accommodate various hormonal and anatomical profiles
        • Accounts for long-term supplementation needs, so parents who induce lactation have the ongoing support they need.
This Course Awards:
  • 1.5 CMEs for Physicians
  • 1.5 L-CERPs
  • 1.5 Nursing Contact Hours
Price: $36.00
Primary Topics Covered
Physiology and Endocrinology
All Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Physiology and Endocrinology
Course Expiration Date