LER Español
Results 1 - 8 of 8

Something is Wrong on the Internet: Correcting Health Misinformation Online for Physicians

Misinformation versus Disinformation, combatting misinformation.

Price: $17.00 USD
Price: $17.00 USD

Mentoring the Next Generation

Role and benefits of becoming a Pathway 3 mentor

Price: $30.00 USD

LER Breastfeeding the NICU Infant

A comprehensive on-line course for NICU nurses and lactation consultants.

Price: $136.00 USD

Communications Through Stressful Situations 5-hour Bundle

Exceptional skills for difficult times

Price: $99.00 USD
Price: $42.00 USD

BreaSteps: Breastfeeding the Premature Infant

Premature baby in the NICU setting and skin-to-skin holding therapy.

Price: $42.00 USD

360 Degrees 5-hour Communications Bundle

Powerful skills for every setting

Price: $99.00 USD