LER Español

Partners and Breastfeeding


How to make partners part of the team.

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Price: $17.00 USD

When you help a client, do you involve their partner? After this class, we can guarantee you’ll never think about this question the same way again. Engaged, supportive partners are a critical resource. Research shows that partners’ opinions and support are a key factor in lactation success. Yet partners often feel invisible, as healthcare and lactation professionals focus on the birthing parent and baby.

In this evidence-based course, Rebecca Costello, IBCLC, MPH, teaches you to identify the key support person or people in your client’s life. Then she helps you involve them, educate them, and make them part of the lactation team.

    Costello’s course explains in depth:
  • What the research says about how partners influence lactation outcomes
  • Research on the feelings and experiences of partners worldwide
  • How to think broadly about what “partner” means (and why the most important person in your client’s lactation journey may be a grandmother, friend, romantic partner, or someone else).
  • Earning partners’ trust
  • Using inclusive language 
  • Strategies for including partners and making them part of the team
  • What “responsive assistance” is, and why research says it is the most influential characteristic a partner can have
  • Supporting LGBTQ++ families, including communicating about co-nursing
  • Working with unsupportive partners
  • And more.

Costello brings experience from a large hospital setting, birth center work, private practice, and a graduate degree in public health.

This Course Awards:

  • 1 L-CERP
  • 1 Nursing Contact Hour
  • 1 CME
Price: $17.00
Primary Topics Covered
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
All Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology