LER Español

Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding the Late Preterm Infant


Confidently treat this vulnerable group

Price: $30.00 USD

Can you spot the great pretenders? Late preterm infants (LPTIs) often look so much like their full-term counterparts that they fool even experienced lactation care providers. And yet, this vulnerable population needs very special care. This course enables you to confidently identify the needs of a LPTI and their lactating parent and provides the tools to guide them safely past the risks they face. You’ll learn:

  • Who is a LPTI?
  • Short- and long-term health complications they face.
  • How brain and neurological immaturity you can’t see on the surface impact adjustment to extra-uterine life.
  • How these characteristics challenge breast/chestfeeding outcomes.
  • Why LPTIs often face a cascade of negative sequelae, how to avoid the cascade, and how to support and rehabilitate dyads who have experienced it.
  • How to support parents of LPTIs, including specific guidance on breast/chestfeeding management and positioning for success.
  • Three proven frameworks for working with LPTI dyads.
  • Why breast/chestfeeding and human milk feeding are so critical for this population and how they protect outcomes, both short- and long-term.

Worldwide, the rate of late preterm birth is growing – the World Health Organization considers it an epidemic. And yet, while all LPTI dyads share common risks, each deserves individualized care for their unique needs. Instructor Tecpaxochitl Gonzales, MPH, IBCLC, provides you with a full understanding of the big picture and the ability to tailor your care.

This Course Awards:

  • 2 Nursing Contact Hours
  • 2 L-CERPs
  • 2 CMEs

Cost: $30.00

All Topics Covered
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
Clinical Skills
Development and Nutrition
Primary Topics Covered
Development and Nutrition
Course Expiration Date