LER Español

20 Hour Continuing Education Bundle


Level up your lactation practice

A stack of books.
Price: $249.00 USD

Thirteen courses covering today’s most critical topics for lactation care providers, deeply rooted in the latest research and translated to practical, actionable advice through our instructors’ rich lived experience. If you want to offer the most up-to-date, evidence-based lactation care and earn CERPs in the process, this course is for you.

Included in this bundle:

Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies. Explore IYCF-E through the lens of recent global scenarios, including Covid-19, and leave prepared to support breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding families in an emergency. Instructor Malaika Ludman, MPH, CLC, spent several years managing a community-based preparedness program in New Orleans, LA (USA).

Drugs of Abuse and Lactation. Covers illegal drugs and misused prescription drugs, including opioids, stimulants, benzodiazepines, and cannabis, and their implications for lactation. Instructor Leslie Southard is a Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist, and doula who specializes in medication use during lactation.

Infectious Diseases in the Lactating Individual. A step-by-step approach for assisting lactating clients who may have an infectious illness, including case studies on respiratory illnesses, viral gastrointestinal illnesses, and bacterial infections. Instructor Sally Wineholt, MD, is a Family Physician and IBCLC who treats lactating parents daily in her practice.

Gender Diverse Clinic Spaces. Learn concrete ways to create an inclusive, welcoming lactation care practice responsive to the needs of gender diverse parents. Instructor Jacob Engelsman, IBCLC, is a lactation consultant in private practice who specializes in helping trans parents, nonbinary gestational parents, and non-gestational parents.

Human Milk Banking. Understand milk banking, from its history to current practices, including pasteurization, screening of donors, and distribution and use of donor milk. Instructor Rebecca Mannel, MPH, IBCLC, FILCA, is the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Mother’s Milk Bank and President of the Board of Directors of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA).

Cannabis Use During Lactation. Provides the information you need to offer clients judgment-free, evidence-based advice on the use of cannabis, an increasingly important topic for lactation care providers. Instructor Leslie Southard is a Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist, and doula who specializes in medication use during lactation.

Therapeutic Breast Massage in Lactation. Learn to safely use manual therapy techniques to treat pain, engorgement, mastitis, and plugged ducts. Instructor Maya Bolman, RN, BA, BSN, IBCLC, has worked with lactation care providers around the world who have developed manual therapy techniques, and has developed her own as well.

Alleriges and the Breastfed Infant. A comprehensive look at food allergies and human milk teaches you how to provide individualized care to families. Instructor Angela Love=Zaranka BA, IBCLC, FILCA

Intimate Partner Violence and Lactation Pregnancy and lactation are high-risk for intimate partner violence (IPV). With this course, you will be prepared to recognize the red flags and respond. Instructor Tara Joy Larrick, BA, is a certified domestic violence counselor and past Executive Director of Awakened Justice, an organization that works to break the cycle of IPV.

Human Milk Composition. Explains macronutrients and micronutrients, hormones, immunological factors, the human milk microbiome–and how all this translates to lactation practice. Instructor Julie Grimes has been supporting nursing families since 2008, as a peer counselor and now as an IBCLC.

Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding the Late Preterm Infant. Confidently identify and meet the needs of late preterm infants (LPTIs), a vulnerable population that needs very special care. Instructor Tecpaxochitl Gonzalez, MPH, IBCLC.

Supporting Feeding for Families Living with HIV in Every Country. Understand the most current recommendations, controversies, and questions regarding HIV and lactation, as well as how to guide families. Instructor Dayna Hall, lBS, IBCLC, ICCE, ATC, has served in a hospital in South Africa where approximately one-third of the population is living with HIV.

Annual Update 2022/2023. How to use the latest lactation research, policies revisions, and protocol updates to inform your practice today. Instructor Sekeita Lewis-Johnson, DNP, FNP-BC, IBCLC, has decades of experience analyzing policy and research as both a nurse and an IBCLC. Instructor Julie Grimes Julie Grimes has been supporting nursing families since 2008, as a peer counselor and now as an IBCLC.

This Course Awards:

  • 20.5 L-CERPs
  • 20.5 Nursing Contact Hours
Price: $249.00
Primary Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Physiology and Endocrinology
Development and Nutrition
All Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Physiology and Endocrinology
Development and Nutrition