LER Español

Supporting Families and Babies with Food Allergies for Physicians


A holistic approach to evaluation and care

Price: $17.00 USD

When a baby has signs of a food allergy, it can be a stressful situation–for your client, for their family, and for you. Tracking and understanding symptoms, doing detective work, trying elimination diets … by the time they get to you, many clients in this situation have a struggling baby and a lot of frustration.

With the information in this course, you will be able to help.

Meghan McMillin, registered dietician and IBCLC, is the owner and operator of The Lactation Dietician, where she specializes in helping families with food allergies. When you leave this course, you will feel confident in your ability to:

  • Understand IgE mediated, Non-IgE mediated, and mixed food allergies
  • Identify common food allergy symptoms that may present in a human-milk-fed baby
  • Identify common feeding issues that mimic food allergy symptoms
  • Take an effective history related to food allergies
  • Evaluate each related system (skin, respiratory, digestive)
  • Discuss the risks and benefits of elimination diets and provide guidance
  • Provide individualized care plans for families with food allergies
  • Collaborate with and refer to other professionals who can help.

In her practice, McMillin takes a holistic, pragmatic approach to supporting the whole family when an infant or young child is struggling with a potential food allergy. With the information she shares in this course, you will be able to offer your clients the same caring, effective support.

This Course Awards:
  • 1 L-CERP
  • 1 Nursing Contact Hour
  • 1 CME Credit

Cost: $17.00

Primary Topics Covered
Development and Nutrition
All Topics Covered
Development and Nutrition
Psychology Sociology Anthropology
Clinical Skills