Community Milk-Sharing:Utilizing the Village to Combat Food Insecurity - for PhysiciansCounseling Skills for Physicians
Continuity of Care and the Community for Physicians
Evaluate and improve continuity of care
Research shows that what happens at discharge can make or break breastfeeding or chestfeeding duration. Despite this fact, parents are often sent home with nothing more than a list of possible people to contact for help. What they really need: An individualized, specific plan and already-scheduled follow-up appointment. How well does your facility manage the fragile transition from birthplace to home? In this course, Sekeita Lewis Johnson, DNP, FNP-BC, IBCLC, draws on her extensive experience in multiple settings to provide a framework for answering that question. She also provides concrete suggestions for partnering with your community to overcome barriers to continuity of care.
Beginning in 2023, Step 10 of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) will require Baby Friendly facilities to “coordinate discharge so that parents and their infants have timely access to ongoing support and care.” Get started on this crucial goal now with Lewis-Johnson’s help.
Course Awards:
- 1 CME
- 1 L-CERP
- 1 Nursing Contact Hour
Primary Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
All Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology