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Summer is here, and you can feel the collective relief! For a second winter, Covid-19 made indoor get-togethers challenging and scarce. Now families c...
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  13038 Hits
In February, Abbott Nutrition recalled several types of regular and special-needs formula due to contamination. The recall compounded supply shortages...
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  8780 Hits
It’s an anxiety-provoking scenario. You’re in the IBCLC exam, and you read a question. You feel completely certain that there is a problem with this q...
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  3301 Hits
Few topics are as rich with lore as what we feed our babies when they first get ready for complementary foods. Your clients have definitely heard many...
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  3178 Hits
If you’re fascinated with lactation and human milk, you’ve probably considered this question: What is the natural age of weaning in humans? Cultures a...
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  20888 Hits
A few years ago, scientists studying Lyme Disease in an area of Appalachia (United States) noticed something strange. A lot more people with fair skin...
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  7438 Hits
Six Things Lactation Professionals Need to Know About Epigenetics. Epigenetics. You’ve heard the word, and you might even have some idea what it means...
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  4545 Hits
For parents of premature babies and the NICU staff who take care of them, it’s a mountain-top moment: the first time the baby latches and takes signif...
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  11953 Hits

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