LER Español

Continuity of Care and the Community


Evaluate and improve continuity of care

Price: $17.00 USD
Research shows that what happens at discharge can make or break breastfeeding or chestfeeding duration. Despite this fact, parents are often sent home with nothing more than a list of possible people to contact for help. What they really need: An individualized, specific plan and already-scheduled follow-up appointment. How well does your facility manage the fragile transition from birthplace to home? In this course, Sekeita Lewis Johnson, DNP, FNP-BC, IBCLC, draws on her extensive experience in multiple settings to provide a framework for answering that question. She also provides concrete suggestions for partnering with your community to overcome barriers to continuity of care. 
Course Awards:
  • 1 L-CERP
  • 1 Nursing Contact Hour
This course expires on 11/16/2024 and will be revised and re-launched by 11/17/2024
Primary Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
All Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology