LER Español

Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Breastfeeding Therapy

Powerful new tools for your toolbox
Price: $30.00 USD

Do complementary and alternative medicine modalities have a place in the lactation provider’s toolbox? The answer is yes, and this course provides the evidence you need to understand why, along with the overview you need to begin considering them for the parents and babies you see. Nikki Lee, RN, BSN, MS, IBCLC, ANLC, guides you through an introduction to a wide array of complementary and alternative medicine modalities and their relevance to lactation care, including herbal medicine, energetic medicine, aromatherapy, massage therapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and craniosacral therapy. Lee reviews the growing body of peer-reviewed literature on the efficacy of these modalities in treating common lactation challenges, and provides information on finding qualified, skilled providers near you for referrals. 

You won’t want to miss this eye-opening course, which also provides

  • A fresh perspective on the history of allopathic medicine, alongside the histories of complementary and alternative modalities
  • A new understanding of the historical and societal backdrop that often underlies automatic belief in the superiority of allopathic medicine over complementary and alternative medicine, and the potential loss of valuable, older ways of knowing and healing
  • Examples and case studies of the effective use of complementary and alternative medicine in lactation care, addressing challenges like nipple pain/damage, low milk supply, tethered oral tissues, mastitis, perinatal anxiety/depression, and more.
This Course Awards:
  • 2 L-CERPs
  • 2 Nursing Contact Hours
Primary Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
All Topics Covered
Development and Nutrition
Physiology and Endocrinology
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Psychology Sociology Anthropology
Clinical Skills
Course Expiration Date