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Guest Blog: Why Did I Become a Lactation Consultant by Priya Shashank

I am a birth coach, Lactation Consultant, physician, a mother of two. I failed to breastfeed my first born, despite of all my resolves and intentions. It was a matter of great disappointment for me being a physician to not be able to breastfeed. When my next child was born, the situation was the same. Luckily, there was internet then & I found great info and read stories of women who like me had struggled with breastfeeding. All this info and my efforts finally made me feed my younger child exclusively on the breast for six months. I and she decided to wean when she was almost three. My own experiences with breastfeeding made me volunteer to support fellow moms and I started helping other women breastfeed successfully. This led me to formally study breastfeeding and certification as an LC.


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