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Guest Blog: Why Did I Become a Lactation Consultant by Anonymous

"My son was born with a recessed chin, he was jaundice. I didn't understand why breastfeeding was so painful. He latched the best that he could with his recessed chin. I saw countless Lcs and Dr.s who told me that bf would never work for us. I pumped for 6 months, I continued to latch my son several times a day even though there was little to no milk transfer and endless pain even with a shield. At 6 mo my son started to latch with less pain.. We had thrush twice. We have overcome so much so that my sweet boy would have all the amazing benefits of my milk. We are at a year and still going strong. I aspire to become an LC to provide knowledge, experience and support to breastfeeding mothers. I am so passionate about bf and I want to help guide other mothers through their beautiful journey."


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