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Guest Blog: Why Did I Become a Lactation Consultant By Susan Weyer

I have had the privilege of helping mothers and babies for approximately 28 years now. I always share with my Moms that the reason I most likely became an IBCLC is because of the bad experience I had with struggling to breastfeed my first child (now age 30). I was a young mom and although I had read about breastfeeding, I like so many other people believed breastfeeding is a natural thing - you just put the baby at the breast and it sucks. How hard can that be?

As a young mom in the hospital I was trying my best. My nipples were cracked and bleeding and as I was crying and trying to nurse my baby my nurse said, "You are starving that poor baby...give her a bottle.” As a result, we struggled for months with low supply. I was determined no other new mom should ever feel that way!


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