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Courses for the Registered Dietitian


Nutrition is highly important to the health of both mother and infant. Below are selected courses which feature important food related topics.


Human Milk for Older Infants and Toddlers

Breastfeeding the older child and timing and methods of weaning.
Buy Now $24 USD

2 L-CERPs and 2 Nursing Contact Hours

Human Milk Composition

Human milk including its components and properties and their actions in the infant. Comparisons to infant formula are drawn.
Buy Now $36 USD

2 L-CERPs and 2 Nursing Contact Hours

Supporting Families and Babies with Food Allergies

Comprehensive course covers allergies and sensitivities, modes of action, testing and identification.
Buy Now $17 USD

2 L-CERPs and 2 Nursing Contact Hours

Obesity and Lactation

Covers the topic of obesity, a growing problem worldwide for both mothers and infants.
Buy Now $24 USD

2 L-CERPs and 2 Nursing contact Hours

Infant Feeding in Disasters

Discusses the various kinds of natural and man made disasters and the problems presented by them in the feeding of infants. Special situations presented by the types of disasters is covered.
Buy Now $24 USD

2 L-CERPs and 2 Nursing Contact Hours

Formula Feeding

Discusses the decision to formula feed, kinds of formula, handling, feeding and storing formula, bottles and nipples and preventing obesity.
Buy Now $17 USD

1 L-CERP and 1 Nursing Contact Hour

Use of Herbals and Galactagogues

Information for herbals and galactogogues for use during breastfeeding, discuss adverse affects in children of mothers taking herbals and galactogogues during breastfeeding, identify herbals and galactogogues that are usually compatible and discuss counseling mothers with regard to herbals and galactogogues.
Buy Now $24 USD

2 L-CERPs and 2 Nursing Contact Hours
The CDR accepts hours without prior CDR approval and recognizes approval by the ANCC. When recording hours on the CDR Activity Log, indicate the provider as "Lactation Education Resources (ANCC)”.

Contact Us

712 Childs Point Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 | Tel (443)-203-8553 | Fax (410)648-2570 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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