LER Español

Expressing and Pumping Breastmilk for Physicians


Covers breast pumps, expressing, and using stored milk.

Price: $24.00 USD

“What is the best breast pump for me to buy? Is my pump sufficient for my needs, or do I need a different one? How often should I pump? How long can I store my pumped milk in the refrigerator? Does this flange fit, or is it too small? I have been regularly pumping but my milk supply is falling. Help!”

If you support lactating families, you will eventually field these questions about breast pumps and expressing milk—and many others. Do you know the answers? Enroll in this course by Andrea Inchaurrondo, IBCLC, experienced midwife and nurse, for a comprehensive look at the topic of breast pumps. Inchaurrondo covers types of pumps and when to recommend them; how to assess flange fit and the risks of improper fit; pumping for maximum milk volume; milk ejection reflex and pumping; and safely storing and using pumped milk. You’ll also become familiar with the parts of a pump and how to care for and clean it.

With the information in this course, you’ll be able to confidently advise your clients about pumping, based on their individual needs and goals.

This Course Awards:
  • 1.5 L-CERPs
  • 1.5 Nursing Contact Hours
  • 1.5 CMEs
Price: $24.00
Primary Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
All Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology